Watch the Live Town Hall with Barbara Lee

The Movement Candidate

Barbara Lee is the progressive movement candidate in the California Senate Race. She is a lifelong organizer who doesn’t just talk the talk — she has lived it and been in the trenches with working people from Day 1 and has stood for what’s right even when she’s had to stand alone.

This is why Our Revolution and progressive leaders around the country are working to make sure we send Barbara Lee to the U.S. Senate!

Barbara Lee is the candidate for U.S. Senate endorsed by Our Revolution and progressives across California, speaks with Senator Bernie Sanders at a press conference.

Barbara Lee

Many remember Barbara Lee’s lone vote against the War in Afghanistan, and she has been a constant voice for people, peace, and the planet throughout her career.

Barbara Lee comes from the working class and was a social worker before entering public service. She would be the
only Black woman in the Senate, and her lived experience fuels her determination to fight for single moms, abortion rights, economic justice, and more.

Barbara Lee leads the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, she authored California's Violence Against Women Act, and was an early advocate for the LGBTQ community, writing California’s landmark Hate Crimes Reduction Act.

Barbara Lee is the candidate for U.S. Senate endorsed by Our Revolution and progressives across California, speaking at a union rally with a megaphone.

Barbara Lee’s

While others seek the limelight, Barbara Lee has been doing the right thing for its own sake - not for personal credit. This was never about her, it was always about getting things done — passing over 100 bills during her time in the House and CA Legislature.

Barbara Lee has the most liberal voting record in Congress, ranked by She was an original cosponsor of Medicare for All and the first to introduce a single payer healthcare bill in CA. Barbara was also one of the first climate champions — she’s long opposed taxpayer-funded giveaways to Big Oil, and she’s pledged to not take money from the fossil fuels industry. In fact, she’s not taking any corporate PAC money!

Barbara has worked closely with Bernie Sanders for many years, they co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus - and they are still progressive partners - recently introducing a bill together to tax the rich.

She was among the first to the Fight for $15 and a Union, joining Bernie Sanders and Keith Ellison on the picket lines when no one else would stand with them — and she is still fighting alongside them in California, where the restaurant industry is trying to take away rights workers organized and won in 2022.

Barbara Lee is the candidate for U.S. Senate endorsed by Our Revolution and progressives across California, standing arm in arm with raised hands at a Rep. Barbara Lee re-election rally.

“Our Revolution has empowered people in every corner of this country to stand up against corporate greed and restore government to its core function: public service. I am so honored to have earned their endorsement. Together, we will show CA what grassroots power looks like.”